Proteína: As 5 melhores fontes de origem vegetal

Protein: The 5 best plant-based sources

Even if you’re not a vegetarian, plant-based protein sources can help you. Check out the 5 best plant-based protein sources!

Protein is possibly the most important nutrient for anyone looking to build muscle mass. So even if you’re not vegan or vegetarian, knowing the best sources of plant-based protein is very useful.

Of course, animal protein sources contain a higher amount of the nutrient, but it is also a fact that it is entirely possible to obtain large amounts of protein without eating meat.

If you're a vegetarian, the list below is worth its weight in gold: these are the foods that will make your life easier when it comes to reaching your daily protein goal. If you eat meat, the list below can also help you with this mission – not as a main food, but as a complement.

If you don't know how much protein you need per day, check out this article How much protein should I consume per day . With this information, knowing good sources of protein is essential to getting there every day.

Let's be clear: these are not the only vegetables with good amounts of protein. Quinoa, mushrooms, chestnuts, broccoli, asparagus and dozens of others also have good amounts of the nutrient. Here, the point is to show the richest ones.

And remember, too, that reaching your daily protein goal is no easy task. Therefore, options to increase your protein intake should always be considered – and, of course, you can also count on the help of supplements like Whey Protein.

Want to know some of the best sources of protein that are not of animal origin? Check it out:

The 5 best sources of plant-based protein for your diet

1- Soybeans

It is the legume that has the most protein! A cup of cooked soybeans contains about 25g of protein, the same amount as a small grilled chicken fillet.

Soy is also considered a complete protein, as it contains all the essential amino acids in good proportions. This makes it a great substitute for meat.

Soy can be consumed in different forms, both as a grain and through by-products, such as textured soy, tofu, etc.

2- Chickpeas

It is one of the legumes richest in protein. 100g of chickpeas contains about 14g of protein, practically half the amount of protein present in chicken breast, considering the same portion.

Because it contains a good amount of protein per serving, it is easy to reach the ideal amount of protein per meal by consuming the grain. In addition, it can be prepared in different ways and used in different recipes, making it even easier to consume.

Another advantage of this legume is that it is easily digestible and has a low content of anti-nutritional substances – which hinder the absorption of some vitamins and minerals.

3- Lentils

Lentils are also among the main sources of vegetable protein. 1 cup of lentils contains about 15g of protein.

Although it is not a source of complete protein, it contains a high amount of dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals.

The ideal is to add it to salads, soups, etc. to increase your protein intake and always consume it with another source of vegetable protein, so you can get all the essential amino acids in one meal.

4- Pea

Long neglected, peas have been gaining ground in the diets of vegetarians and vegans because they are one of the vegetables that contain the most protein.

250g of cooked dried peas are equivalent to replacing meat, for example, they are equivalent to 100g of chicken fillet.

It's no wonder that pea protein has been used in many vegan and vegetarian protein supplements. In addition, it is highly digestible and rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber.

5- Edamame

Edamame is known as green soybeans and, like soybeans, contains all the essential amino acids, meaning it also has a high biological value and is a good substitute for vegetable protein.

The biggest difference between them is that edamame has less carbohydrates than soybeans, as it is not yet at the same stage of maturity.

One cup of edamame contains about 22g of protein. It is also low in carbohydrates and high in fiber.

Protein recipes:

Chicken Salad with Quinoa and Avocado

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