O Que Eu Gostaria Que Me Tivessem Dito: Lições de Sam Altman

What I Wish Someone Had Told Me: Lessons from Sam Altman

Sam Altman, one of the most influential figures in the world of technology and entrepreneurship, recently shared a list of insights he wishes he had known earlier in his career. These lessons are a powerful guide for anyone aspiring to achieve great things, whether in business, sports, or any other area of ​​life. Below, we explore each of Altman’s points, adapting them so they can be applied to personal life, training, and work.

1. Optimism, Obsession and Self-Confidence

Altman begins by highlighting the importance of a positive attitude, a healthy obsession with what we do, and self-confidence. These are the engines that start any great project. In training, this means believing that we can achieve our goals, even when the challenges seem insurmountable.

2. Teamwork and Commitment

Having a cohesive team that combines calm with urgency is essential to completing any project. Unwavering commitment is what sees things through to the end. In group training, for example, it is the combination of mutual support and commitment that keeps everyone motivated and making steady progress.

3. Facing the Difficult Because It’s Worth It

It’s easier for a team to do something difficult that really matters than to do something easy that has no impact. In sport, as in life, great results come from facing the biggest challenges, the ones that really make a difference.

4. Incentives as Superpowers

Incentives are a powerful force and should be defined carefully. In training, this could mean setting personal rewards for achieving certain goals, or creating challenges with friends to keep motivation high.

5. Focus on Few High Conviction Bets

Focusing your resources on a few high-conviction bets is essential. In the context of training, this might mean focusing on a few exercises or routines that really get results, rather than trying to do a bit of everything.

6. Clear and Concise Communication

Clear communication is essential in any context, whether it’s a work team, a training group or in your personal life. Saying what needs to be said directly avoids misunderstandings and keeps everyone on the same page.

7. Fight Bureaucracy and Uselessness

Altman emphasizes the importance of combating bureaucracy and the uselessness that can arise in any organization. In training, this means eliminating distractions and focusing on what really matters, whether it’s exercise, nutrition, or recovery.

8. Results Matter

In the end, what really counts are the results. In sports, there is no point in having a good methodology if the results do not appear. It is important to measure progress objectively and adjust what is necessary to continue to evolve.

9. Recruit Carefully and Take Calculated Risks

Altman suggests spending more time recruiting and being willing to take risks with high-potential individuals. This can also be applied to training, choosing training partners who will challenge you and push you to the next level, rather than settling for the status quo.

10. Appreciate Superstars

Superstars are even more valuable than they seem, but they need to be valued based on their impact on the organization’s performance. In coaching, this means valuing those who truly make a difference, whether it’s a coach, a training partner or even a mentor.

11. Rapid Iteration

Rapid iteration can fix many problems. It’s better to fail quickly and adjust than to take too long to act. When training, don’t be afraid to change something that isn’t working, even if it means starting over.

12. Don't Fight the Laws of Physics (or Reality)

Some realities are inescapable, and fighting them is futile. In training, this can mean accepting your body’s limitations and working within them, rather than trying to force something that could result in injury.

13. Inaction is Dangerous

Inspiration is perishable, and inaction is a particularly insidious type of risk. In training, this means we must act when we are motivated and not let procrastination get in the way of progress.

14. Scalars May Have Surprising Emergent Properties

As something grows, it can develop unexpected characteristics. In training, as you gain strength and endurance, you may discover new levels of ability that previously seemed impossible.

15. The Power of Exponential Growth

Exponential growth is magical. In training, small, consistent improvements lead to big gains over time, creating a positive feedback loop.

16. Get Up and Carry On

It is inevitable that you will fall at some point, but the most important thing is to get up and keep going. This is the fundamental principle in training and in any other area of ​​life.

17. Work with Great People

Working with great people is one of the best parts of life. When you’re training, surrounding yourself with people who inspire and motivate you makes all the difference in achieving your goals.


The lessons Sam Altman shares are applicable to every aspect of life, from entrepreneurship to fitness. Facing difficult challenges, staying focused on what really matters, and surrounding yourself with the right people are strategies that lead to success, both in business and in personal well-being. Take these lessons with you and apply them to your training and everyday life to see amazing results.

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