
Treino do Dia

Workout of the day F25024 Functional RFT (Reps ...

RFT (Reps for time) functional training, performing 400 (40x10) repetitions in the shortest time possible.

Workout of the day F25024 Functional RFT (Reps ...

RFT (Reps for time) functional training, performing 400 (40x10) repetitions in the shortest time possible.

Treino do dia F25022 Funcional com 8 exercícios

Workout of the day F25022 Functional with 8 exe...

Functional training with 8 exercises performed as follows: Exercise 1 and 5 – Do as many repetitions as possible for 5 minutes Exercise 2,3,4, 8 – Do as many repetitions...

Workout of the day F25022 Functional with 8 exe...

Functional training with 8 exercises performed as follows: Exercise 1 and 5 – Do as many repetitions as possible for 5 minutes Exercise 2,3,4, 8 – Do as many repetitions...

Treino do dia F25021 Funcional 3 circuitos de 3 exercícios cada

Workout of the day F25021 Functional 3 circuits...

Functional training using 3 circuits of 3 exercises each. Each circuit should be performed in 4 rounds. The exercise should be performed for 45 seconds, with a 15-second rest between...

Workout of the day F25021 Functional 3 circuits...

Functional training using 3 circuits of 3 exercises each. Each circuit should be performed in 4 rounds. The exercise should be performed for 45 seconds, with a 15-second rest between...

Treino do dia F25020 Funcional 3-5 rondas em circuito de 10 exercícios

Workout of the day F25020 Functional 3-5 rounds...

Functional training by performing 3-5 rounds of the 10-exercise circuit, performing each exercise for the defined time.

Workout of the day F25020 Functional 3-5 rounds...

Functional training by performing 3-5 rounds of the 10-exercise circuit, performing each exercise for the defined time.

Treino do dia F25019 Funcional executando 6 circuitos

Workout of the day F25019 Functional performing...

Functional training performing 6 different circuits, 10 sets x 30 seconds each exercise with 10 seconds rest.

Workout of the day F25019 Functional performing...

Functional training performing 6 different circuits, 10 sets x 30 seconds each exercise with 10 seconds rest.

Treino do dia F25018 Funcional com o jogo do bingo

Workout of the day F25018 Functional with the b...

Functional training with the bingo game. The goal is to play the complete bingo game (all 4 lines) or just a few lines.

Workout of the day F25018 Functional with the b...

Functional training with the bingo game. The goal is to play the complete bingo game (all 4 lines) or just a few lines.