Treino do dia

Workout of the day F25028 3 circuits of 3 exercises

Training F25028

Workout of the day

Total duration: 46-52 minutes
- Do the exercises intensely, but safely
- If there is any exercise that causes discomfort or doubts, go to the next one

Warm-up – 5 minutes
Joint mobilization – Perform some rotations of the lower and upper limbs and trunk for the indicated time to activate the body for the main task.

Main task – 36-42 minutes
Protocol: Functional training using 3 circuits of 3 exercises each. Each circuit should be performed in 4 rounds. The exercise should be performed for 45 seconds, with a 15-second rest between each exercise.
Circuit 1 – Exercise 1-2-3-1-2-3-1-2-3-1-2-3
Circuit 2 – Exercise 4-5-6-4-5-6-4-5-6-4-5-6
Circuit 3 – Exercise 7-8-9-7-8-9-7-8-9-7-8-9
At the end, if you wish, perform all the exercises (9 exercises) in a single circuit, performing each exercise for 30 seconds, with a 10-second rest between sets.
Circuit 4 - Exercise 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9

Return to calm – 5 minutes

Explanation of exercises

Exercise 1 – Running in place with barbell (cable)

Simulate the running movement, alternately raising your knees to the height of your pelvis, bringing the front third of your foot down to the ground, keeping the cable up with your arms stretched out.

Exercise 2 – Left side plank
Support yourself on your left forearm on the floor, trying to keep your body in a plank position for the set amount of time.

Exercise 3 – Right side plank
Rest your right forearm on the floor, trying to keep your body in a plank position for the set amount of time.

Exercise 4 – Lunge on the chair right leg
Perform a dip with your right leg resting on the chair, at the same time keeping your hands resting on your hips, keeping your back straight.

Exercise 5 – Lunge on the chair left leg
Perform a lunge with your left leg resting on the chair, at the same time keeping your hands resting on your hips, keeping your back straight.

Exercise 6 – Hollow
Lie down with your arms and legs extended, but without touching the extremities on the floor. The goal is to imitate the shape of a canoe, maintaining the position without moving for the set amount of time.

Exercise 7 – Climbing a chair in plank with the right leg
Start the movement with your hands on the floor and your legs bent, raise and lower the chair starting with the right leg, trying to always keep your arms straight and your shoulders above the shoulder line.

Exercise 8 – Climbing a chair in a plank with your left leg
Start the movement with your hands on the floor and your legs bent, raise and lower the chair starting with your left leg, trying to always keep your arms straight and your shoulders above the shoulder line.

Exercise 9 – Isometric bow
Lie on your back in an arched position, with your legs and arms raised, keeping your lower back and glutes tight. Remain in the position for the set time.

Try this plan and track your progress. For more tips and workouts, visit our blog at www .treinoemcasa .com . Share your results with us on social media! 💪

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Workout of the day

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