
Desafio do Dia: Treino de Calistenia em Casa

Challenge of the Day: Calisthenics Workout at Home

Strengthen your muscles and improve your endurance with a complete calisthenics workout, using only your body weight.

Challenge of the Day: Calisthenics Workout at Home

Strengthen your muscles and improve your endurance with a complete calisthenics workout, using only your body weight.

Desafio do Dia: Treino com Halteres para Todo o Corpo

Challenge of the Day: Total Body Dumbbell Workout

Challenge of the day to improve strength, endurance and overall conditioning with a complete workout using dumbbells.

Challenge of the Day: Total Body Dumbbell Workout

Challenge of the day to improve strength, endurance and overall conditioning with a complete workout using dumbbells.

Desafio do Dia: WOD "Home Fran"

Challenge of the Day: WOD "Home Fran"

Work on strength, endurance and cardiovascular conditioning with a WOD inspired by the famous CrossFit "Fran" workout, adapted to be done at home with dumbbells and a skipping rope.

Challenge of the Day: WOD "Home Fran"

Work on strength, endurance and cardiovascular conditioning with a WOD inspired by the famous CrossFit "Fran" workout, adapted to be done at home with dumbbells and a skipping rope.

Desafio do Dia (WOD): Treino com Halteres em Casa

Challenge of the Day (WOD): Dumbbell Workout at...

Challenge your body with an intense and balanced workout using only dumbbells. This WOD is designed to be performed at home and aims to improve strength, endurance and overall conditioning.

Challenge of the Day (WOD): Dumbbell Workout at...

Challenge your body with an intense and balanced workout using only dumbbells. This WOD is designed to be performed at home and aims to improve strength, endurance and overall conditioning.

Desafio do Dia: Treino com Corda de Saltar para Fazer em Casa

Challenge of the Day: Jump Rope Workout to Do a...

Get ready for a dynamic and fun jump rope workout, perfect for improving cardiovascular fitness and strengthening your entire body. Check out today's challenge!

Challenge of the Day: Jump Rope Workout to Do a...

Get ready for a dynamic and fun jump rope workout, perfect for improving cardiovascular fitness and strengthening your entire body. Check out today's challenge!