Lesões mais comuns no fitness

Most common fitness injuries

Weight training is one of the most popular physical activities when it comes to promoting well-being, developing body resistance and losing fat , among other benefits. Although it improves joint stability, strengthening muscles and reducing the possibility of injuries, it is important to be aware that accidents can occur if the movements are performed incorrectly or if there is an inadequate increase in the load, both for beginners and regular practitioners.

List of most common injuries among fitness practitioners

  • Muscle injuries: occur when the muscle is stretched beyond its capacity, usually due to rapid or excessively forceful movements.
  • Joint sprains: are damage to the ligaments that connect bones at joints. This can happen when a joint is forced into an unnatural or extreme movement. It can occur in the shoulder, knee, wrist, and fingers.
  • Tendinopathies: Most common in the shoulders and elbows, these tendon changes are often caused by repetitive movements or excessive strain, resulting in pain and swelling in the affected area.
  • Spinal injuries: Exercises performed incorrectly or with excessive weights can lead to back injuries, such as lower back and neck pain, especially if the spine is improperly stressed.

Muscle injuries can be classified as grade 1, 2 and 3, with the first two being the most common in bodybuilding, occurring when a muscle in a joint partially ruptures. Grade 3 involves the complete rupture of the muscle or a large part of it. In these cases, It is crucial to distinguish between typical training pain and possible injury pain to ensure appropriate treatment.

The research “ Occurrence and Characteristics of Injuries among Bodybuilders ”, conducted at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) and published in the journal Saúde e Pesquisa, involved the analysis of 45 individuals aged between 20 and 60 years who practiced bodybuilding for at least three months. Among the participants analyzed, almost half of them reported having suffered injuries, and among them, 60% were directly related to the practice of bodybuilding. The most frequently reported problems included muscle strain, accounting for 35% of cases, followed by tendinopathy, with 25% occurrence .

Furthermore, the article showed that The shoulder and knee are the joints most affected by injuries . This happens due to the range of motion and high intensity of the exercises. “People who do not yet have defined muscles or who do not yet know how to perform the exercises correctly tend to injure these muscles. In the case of the knee, exercises performed incorrectly do not activate the legs and glutes, and end up overloading this joint.”

How to avoid injuries

A balanced pre-workout diet, which includes macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and lipids) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), such as a sandwich with slices of wholemeal bread, protein-rich fillings, coconut water, fruits, yogurt and similar foods, provides energy to the practitioner and reduces these risks.

In addition to warming up, which prepares the muscles for the exercises to be performed, cooling down is also essential for the muscles and heart rate to return to their natural state after training.

Treatment and return to training

Calling a physiotherapist in the event of an injury is necessary so that you can return to training properly and at the right time.

A practitioner who returns to practice after an injury should restart with gradual progression , and should not return to previous training levels immediately, in addition to paying attention to the proper exercise technique and remaining positive about their own progress.

All injuries have the potential to recur. Those classified as chronic, such as tendinopathy, can return whenever there is excessively intense training with errors and overload. However, strength training performed correctly can help reduce these risks.

Furthermore, it is important to have a Physical Education professional present during training sessions. This is essential for both beginners and those who already practice. This professional will guide the correct movement and mechanics of the exercises, planning the gradual return to training appropriately and defining the increase in load. This way, we can prevent injuries and achieve good results. 

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