
Dicionário do CrossFit – Siglas e Expressões

CrossFit Dictionary – Acronyms and Expressions

The CrossFit Movement List is big and, to top it off, many of the exercise names and other terms are in English. There are dozens of acronyms and equipment specific. To help you we created...

CrossFit Dictionary – Acronyms and Expressions

The CrossFit Movement List is big and, to top it off, many of the exercise names and other terms are in English. There are dozens of acronyms and equipment specific. To help you we created...

Qual a Influência do Horário de Treino na Qualidade do Sono

What is the Influence of Training Schedule on S...

The relationship between workout schedule and sleep quality has been the subject of several studies. For many people, an exercise routine is essential to maintaining physical and mental well-being. However,...

What is the Influence of Training Schedule on S...

The relationship between workout schedule and sleep quality has been the subject of several studies. For many people, an exercise routine is essential to maintaining physical and mental well-being. However,...

48 exercícios para fazeres em casa sem complicações

48 exercises you can do at home without complic...

This 48-exercise workout is perfect for you to do at home. No more excuses, create a workout routine, mark it in your diary and, best of all, start today.

48 exercises you can do at home without complic...

This 48-exercise workout is perfect for you to do at home. No more excuses, create a workout routine, mark it in your diary and, best of all, start today.

5 planos de treino para fazer em casa

5 workout plans to do at home

There are 5 amazing training plans that you can do without leaving home. Images of each program and descriptions of all the exercises and their respective protocols.

5 workout plans to do at home

There are 5 amazing training plans that you can do without leaving home. Images of each program and descriptions of all the exercises and their respective protocols.

Maneiras de manter o treino de força em casa sem equipamentos

Ways to Maintain Strength Training at Home With...

Strength training at home can be as efficient as at the gym, just plan each set of exercises with the commitment you already adopt as an amateur or professional athlete....

Ways to Maintain Strength Training at Home With...

Strength training at home can be as efficient as at the gym, just plan each set of exercises with the commitment you already adopt as an amateur or professional athlete....

Como fazer exercícios cardio em casa

How to do cardio exercises at home

These cardio exercises are efficient and can be done even in tighter areas, as long as you have enough space to make the movements.

How to do cardio exercises at home

These cardio exercises are efficient and can be done even in tighter areas, as long as you have enough space to make the movements.