Treino com Baralho de Cartas: Mantém-te em Forma de uma Forma Divertida!

Card Workout: Stay Fit in a Fun Way!

Transform your workout into a unique and dynamic experience using just a deck of cards! This method is simple, effective and adaptable to any fitness level. You can do this workout at home, without the need for complicated equipment. Let us explain how it works.

How Does Deck of Cards Training Work?

Each suit in the deck of cards represents a different type of exercise, and the number on the card indicates how many repetitions you should do. The face cards (Jack, Queen, King) and the Ace have a fixed value, which adds intensity to the workout.

Exercises by Suit:

  • Cups (♥️): Push-ups
  • Swords (♠️): Squats
  • Diamonds (♦️): Abdominals
  • Clubs (♣️): Lunges

Card Values:

  • 2 to 10: The number on the card corresponds to the number of repetitions (ex: 7 of Swords = 7 squats).
  • Jack (J): 30 Mountain Climbers (count each leg).
  • Queen (Q): 20 Half Burpees.
  • King (K): 60 seconds of Plank.
  • Ace (A): 20 Jumping Jacks.


  • Joker: When you pull out a Joker, it’s time for an extra challenge! Do 20 Burpees or 1 minute of Plank, whichever you choose. The Joker is used to increase the intensity and add an element of surprise to your workout.


  1. Shuffle the cards well: Mix the deck before starting training.
  2. Turn over one card at a time: The suit determines the exercise to be done, and the number of repetitions is indicated by the card.
  3. Complete the exercise: Perform the indicated repetitions before moving on to the next card.
  4. Continue until the deck is finished: For beginners, you can use only half the deck and increase as you gain stamina.
  5. Take a break if necessary: ​​If you need a break, take short breaks between cards, especially if you are just starting out.

Training Example:

  • Card: 6 of Cups (♥️)
    Do 6 push-ups.

  • Card: Queen of Clubs (♣️)
    Do 20 half burpees.

  • Card: 9 of Pentacles (♦️)
    Do 9 sit-ups.

  • Card: King of Swords (♠️)
    Do 60 seconds of plank.

  • Card: 4 of Wands (♣️)
    Do 4 lunges for each leg.

  • Card: Jack of Hearts (♥️)
    Do 30 mountain climbers (count each leg).

  • Card: Ace of Pentacles (♦️)
    Do 20 jumping jacks.

  • Card: Joker
    Do 20 burpees or 1 minute of plank.

Variations to Keep Your Workout Interesting:

  • Competition Mode: Compete with a friend or family member to see who can complete the deck the fastest.
  • Team Training: Divide the deck between several people and see who can finish their part first.

Benefits of Training with a Deck of Cards

  • Variety: Combining exercises keeps your workout dynamic and avoids monotony.
  • Adaptability: You can adjust the intensity of your training by increasing or decreasing the number of cards you use.
  • Practicality: You don't need any special equipment, just a deck of cards.
  • Fun: It's a fun way to exercise, alone or with company.


Card workouts are a fun and creative way to stay active at home. They’re perfect for any fitness level and can be customized to suit your needs. Give them a try and see how this method can make your workouts more interesting!

For more tips and workouts to do at home, visit our blog at .

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