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Home Workout ® App - How to Set Realistic Weight Goals

Achieving an ideal weight is one of the main goals for many people who decide to start a workout program or a healthy diet. However, in order to be successful on this journey, it is essential to set realistic weight goals. Setting unrealistic goals can lead to frustration, while concrete and achievable goals encourage discipline and consistency. In this article, we will explore how you can set realistic weight goals, taking into account your current weight, weight history and other crucial factors.

1. Assess Current Weight

The first step to setting any weight goal is knowing where you are right now. Your current weight serves as a starting point for determining how much you need or want to lose (or gain) in a healthy way.

Furthermore, it is important to understand that weight is just one of many health indicators. Body mass index (BMI), body composition (fat percentage, muscle mass) and even factors such as body fat distribution are important aspects to consider. Instead of focusing solely on the scale, consult a health professional for a more accurate assessment of your physical condition.

2. Consider Weight History

Your weight history can provide valuable information for setting realistic goals. If you’ve weighed less in the past and have maintained that weight for a long time, that might be a goal to aim for. However, keep in mind that your body changes over time due to a variety of factors, including age, activity level, and hormonal changes. So the weight you were at in your 20s may not be the most realistic or healthy weight for you in your 40s.

If you have gone through cycles of weight loss and gain, it is essential to approach this issue in a progressive and sustainable way, avoiding extreme diets or strategies that have failed in the past.

3. Take Personal Factors into Account

In addition to your current weight and weight history, there are several other personal factors that should be considered when setting weight goals:

  • Age : As you age, your body composition tends to change, and it can be harder to maintain the same weight you had when you were younger. Focusing on your health and functionality should be a priority.

  • Physical activity level : If you have a sedentary lifestyle, overly ambitious goals can be demotivating. On the other hand, if you already have a high level of activity, you can set more aggressive goals. It is important to combine weight loss with increased physical activity, as this helps to preserve muscle mass and improve metabolism.

  • Metabolic health and chronic diseases : Conditions such as diabetes, hypothyroidism or insulin resistance can influence your ability to lose weight. In these cases, it is even more important to work with a doctor or dietitian to set safe and appropriate goals.

  • Emotional state : Your relationship with food and your mental health can also have a significant impact. Setting realistic goals involves recognizing whether there are any emotional habits or behaviors that may be hindering the process.

4. Focus on Body Fat Percentage

For many people, body weight alone may not be the best indicator of progress. Body composition, which includes your body fat percentage and amount of muscle mass, can give you a clearer picture of your health and fitness. Instead of focusing solely on losing “x” pounds, consider reducing your body fat percentage and increasing your lean mass. This will help you achieve a more toned and healthy body, even if the number on the scale doesn’t change dramatically.

5. Set Gradual and Specific Goals

Avoid falling into the trap of trying to lose weight quickly. Unrealistic goals, such as losing 20 pounds in a month, are unsustainable and can lead to health problems. A reasonable goal is to lose 1 to 2 pounds per week. Setting specific goals, such as “lose 10 pounds in the next 2 months” or “decrease body fat percentage by 3%,” is more achievable and helps keep you motivated.

Additionally, break your goals down into smaller steps and celebrate the small successes along the way. This will help you stay focused and motivated.

6. Revisit and Adjust Goals

As you progress along your journey, you may need to adjust your weight goals. As you progress, your body will adapt, and you may find that your body composition changes in unexpected ways. If your weight loss slows down or your initial goal no longer feels right, don’t hesitate to revisit and adjust your goals based on what’s healthiest and most sustainable for you.


Setting realistic weight goals is a key part of achieving success on your health and wellness journey. By considering your current weight, weight history, and factors like your age, activity level, and overall health, you can create a solid, sustainable plan. Remember that progress should be gradual and that every small step counts. The most important thing is to stay focused on improving your overall health, not just the number on the scale.

Start today with clear and specific goals, and achieve your objectives in a healthy and lasting way!

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