Products and Equipment

At Treino em Casa, we offer a wide variety of services and products/equipment to help exercisers achieve their fitness or performance goals in the comfort of their own home.

Check out our main product categories below:

Training Equipment

Training Accessories

  • Workout Clothes
    • Comfortable and breathable, suitable for all types of exercise. Modern design that combines functionality and style.
  • Heart Rate Monitors
    • Important tools for monitoring training intensity. They help monitor performance and optimize results.
  • Foam Rollers
    • Great for muscle recovery and myofascial release. Relieves muscle tension and improves flexibility.

Training Accessories by Modality

Nutrition and Supplements

  • Energy Bars
    • Practical and nutritious, ideal for a quick snack before or after training. They provide long-lasting energy and essential nutrients.
  • Protein Shakes
    • Ready-to-drink drinks that provide a quick dose of protein. Perfect for post-workout muscle recovery.

Fitness Technology

  • Smartwatches
    • Track your activities, heart rate, and sleep accurately. Essential tools to monitor your progress and achieve your goals.

Explore all the options and find the ideal products for you in our store . Transform your home workout and achieve your fitness goals with Home Workout.