Home Training ® Companies
Home Training © Company will provide a training service using zoom. Workout sessions are a great way to keep people active with access to video, audio, and live workout content.
The training is carried out through a virtual room in a dynamic and interactive way, consisting of exercises with different levels of progression, adapted to the specific needs of each person.
No type of equipment is required.Recommended equipment
- Water bottle
- Training towel
- Training Mat
- Dumbbells, kettlebell and jump rope (optional)
- PC, Tablet or smartphone Zoom app installed!
Zoom Training Companies
It's a live training via zoom. Workout sessions are a great way to keep people active with access to video, audio, and live workout content. The training is carried out through a virtual room in a dynamic and interactive way, consisting of exercises with different levels of progression, adapted to the specific needs of each person.
T-DO-DIA Companies
It is a daily workout of 12, 24, 36 or 48 minutes with the aim of improving the user's physical, mental condition and self-esteem in order to increase their productivity and confidence at work. Simple and practical! And what's more...it can be done anywhere...at home, on the street, at the hotel, at the gym or at the company.