Treino "Emma McQuaid" para Fazer em Casa

"Emma McQuaid" Workout You Can Do at Home

Discover the intense and effective "Emma McQuaid" workout, perfect for doing in the comfort of your own home! This CrossFit WOD (Workout of the Day) is designed to challenge your body and improve your strength, endurance and overall fitness.

For Time

Necessary Equipment:

  • Kettlebell

Main Training:

5 Rounds:

  1. 15 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
  2. 15 Sit-ups
  3. 15 Air Squats
  4. 15 Burpees
  5. 15 Kettlebell Deadlifts (24/16 kg)


Complete 5 rounds in the shortest time possible, maintaining good form and safe movements.

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Todos os dias tens acesso a um treino novo! No total são 365 treinos diferentes por ano, proporcionando-te um plano diário e variado, que podes realizar em casa, no exterior ou no ginásio.

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