Metabolic Training Program - Doubles Training 10x - Week 5 - Day 31
This dumbbell workout plan is ideal for those who want to improve their strength and muscle tone in the comfort of their own home. With a balanced combination of upper body, lower body and core exercises, this workout offers a complete and effective program. Warming up and stretching are essential to prepare your body and prevent injuries.
Necessary equipment: Dumbbells (with weight adjusted to the practitioner)
Workout Duration: About 45 to 60 minutes
Warm-up (6 minutes)
- Arm rotation: 1 minute
- Jumping Jacks: 1 minutes
- Dynamic stretching: 1 minute
- Running in place: 1 minute
Main task (50 minutes):
Exercise protocol in pairs. Perform each exercise in pairs for 36 seconds with a 10-minute rest between exercises. Perform 3 rounds in each pair. After finishing each pair's rounds, rest for 30 seconds. Perform a total of 10 pairs (20 exercises).
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Prepare: 4 min (warm up)
Work: 36 sec
Remaining: 10
Cycles: 6
Sets: 10
Rest between sets: 30 sec
Cool down: 4 min (return to calm)
Double 1
1 Squat
2 Full Push-ups + Mountain climber / Option: Mountain climber
Double 2
3 Alternating Lunges Behind + Dumbbell Biceps Curls
4 Alternating v-up crunches + dumbbell triceps press / Option: Cross climber
Double 3
5 Thruster (squat + dumbbell shoulder press)
6 Spring sit-ups / Option: Horizontal jumping jacks
Double 4
7 Ground to overhead (GTO) with dumbbells
8 Dumbbell Row in Squat Position
Double 5
9 Dumbbell Flyes
10 Oblique Crunches
Double 6
11 Squats + bike curls
12 Forearm plank + alternating leg curl (heel to glute)
Double 7
13 Kettlebell or dumbbell swings (hammer grip)
14 Front jump squats + 2 back jumps
Double 8
15 Hand plank + step forward + trunk rotation and arm raise (alternating)
16 Russian twist with weight
Double 9
17 Good morning with kettlebell or dumbbells
18 Abdominals v isometric sit
Double 10
19 Isometric squat
20 Isometric forearm plank
Return to calm ( 4 minutes):
- Static stretching of legs, arms and trunk.
- Deep breathing and relaxation.
Additional Tips
- Make sure you use weights appropriate for your fitness level.
- Maintain proper form to avoid injury.
- Increase the weight of the dumbbells progressively as you gain strength.
- Stay hydrated and eat a balanced diet.
This workout is part of the Metabolic Training Program , which is designed to maximize calorie burn and boost metabolism through intense, effective exercise. The program uses a structured approach to ensure you get consistent, long-lasting results, combining strength, cardio, and flexibility exercises. Ideal for those looking to train effectively at home, the program adapts to your fitness level and progressively increases the intensity to promote continued improvements in physical performance and overall health.