Maneiras de manter o treino de força em casa sem equipamentos

Ways to Maintain Strength Training at Home Without Equipment

Strength training at home can be as efficient as at the gym, just plan each set of exercises with the commitment you already adopt as an amateur or professional athlete. Easy activities that don't require a lot of equipment, such as push-ups, planks and squats, can be performed anywhere, as long as you have a little space.


There are many ways to exercise at home. Strength training it can involve all limbs of the body and aims to challenge and develop your muscles as you perform a counterforce, such as pushing a wall, lifting dumbbells or pulling a band[1].

Even without all the equipment and machines at hand, it is possible to achieve results using just your own body weight. However, it is recommended that you have a sports mat or mat and, if you prefer, objects that can be purchased at sports stores, such as ropes, dumbbells and elastic bands. In any case, you don't need a mini gym at home to progress in your strength training.

Strength exercises at home are good options for when it is not possible to go to the gym, or as part of the routine for those who work from home. To do this, you also need to free up a little space in some room in the house or garden. Create a corner that serves as your exercise oasis.


For effective strength training at home, create a workout routine and focus on your goals. It is also important to consult a physical education professional to help you compose exercise sets that are appropriate for you, as well as safe.

Here are some tips for strength training at home:


According to a study[2] published in 2020, fast and slow repetitions are important in strength training. Slow movements are more effective in helping to build muscle, as they allow it to stay under tension for longer. On the other hand, fast movements help with muscle strength and power.

To train at home, use a combination of fast and slow movements, executing both perfectly. Careful execution is essential to help achieve the intended objectives.


Training at home is also an opportunity to make adjustments to your training and try new exercise combinations. To maintain conditioning, it may be necessary to use new means to achieve the same ends, such as increasing the volume of activities that require only the use of body weight.

Although it's important to maintain a routine that you're committed to, varying your exercises can prevent boredom and help you pursue different goals, such as building muscle, working on physical endurance and flexibility.


The range of movement is fundamental when practicing and refers to the degree of amplitude that a joint can reach when we pull dumbbells or practice squats, for example.

According to a table made by the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention3, an adult should be able to flex their hips, for example, at an angle of up to 130 degrees.

Including flexibility exercises like yoga poses and stretching into your home exercise routine is a great way to help improve your range of motion.


Bilateral exercises work the muscles on both sides at the same time, while unilateral exercises work one at a time. One of the advantages of incorporating unilateral exercises into your training program is that these exercises also put more pressure on your core muscles, working your abdomen and lower back.

Unilateral exercises can also help prevent possible injuries when there is an imbalance in the body, which can overload one side during physical activity.


Supersets are intense strength workouts in which you do one exercise after another with little rest time between sets. Breaks are important to catch your breath and hydrate.

Super-sets are great options to boost your training, allowing you to do more exercises in a given period. While your muscles recover from one set, you will be performing another, with different stimuli.


Trying new exercises is another way to stave off boredom, but also to challenge your own limits. As you won't have the same variety of equipment as at the gym, look for alternative activities to feel like you're progressing every day and working your entire body.

Now may be a good time to include those exercises that you viewed as challenging, or gradually increase the intensity or speed of your training, always respecting your limits and with the support of a physical education professional.


If you feel that your training at home is not as efficient as at the gym, you can increase the number of repetitions in the sets to obtain more gains. In general, exercises with more repetitions are used to increase muscular endurance and physical conditioning.


You've probably already done the exercises below as part of your training, as they are classic and efficient activities. They can be done anywhere without the need for equipment:

  • Squat
    There are many variations of the good old squat. In its traditional form, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees, lowering your hips, until they slightly exceed the knee line. Push your buttocks back as if you were sitting on a chair. Always keep your back straight. Then extend your legs to return to the starting position. Do sets of repetitions.

  • Lunge
    To do the lunge, bend one of your knees forward, until the thigh of the leg that moves forward is parallel to the floor. The front foot must be fully supported on the floor and the back foot must keep the heel raised, without touching the floor.

  • bridge
    The bridge is a simple but effective exercise. Lie on your back on a mat, keep your arms straight at your sides, bend your knees and keep your feet on the floor. Then, contract your glutes, your abs and lift your hips towards the ceiling, so that your belly and back come off the floor. The weight of the body must be supported by the shoulder blades and feet. Keep your body aligned. Hold the position for a few moments and repeat once more.

  • Flexion
    Lie on the floor, face down, and place your hands on the ground below your shoulders. Extend your elbows, raising your entire body at once. Keep your back straight, aligned with your body. Bend your elbows and return almost to the starting position, without touching your body to the floor. Take a brief pause and repeat the movement for a series of repetitions.

  • Board
    To get into the plank, get into a push-up position, with your body extended on the floor. Bend your elbows 90 degrees and rest your weight on your forearms. Keep your torso straight and rigid and your body in a straight line — from your ears to your toes, without sagging or bending! Keep your head relaxed, without a stiff neck, and look at the floor. Breathe calmly. Stay in the position for as long as you can.

For a strength workout at home without equipment, combine the tips above. With commitment, you will continue to follow a good path towards maintaining your physical fitness and achieving your goals.


1. Harvard Health Publishing - Harvard Medical School. 7 tips for a safe and successful strength-training program. Available in:

2. Yendrizal,. (2020). The Effect of Weight Training Using Fast and Slow Repetition Movement Towards Thigh Muscle Hypertrophy. Available in:

3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Normal Joint Range of Motion Study. Available in:

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