Importância da postura

Importance of posture

Adopting a correct posture daily is of great importance in terms of both physical and emotional health. Changing posture can cause numerous chronic and painful problems such as scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis, hernias, respiratory problems, pressure on internal organs, etc. and also psychological problems such as low self-esteem and other associated pathologies. Back and neck pain, headaches, lack of energy, muscle stiffness, tired legs, lack of sleep and general discomfort are some of the symptoms that may indicate the daily adoption of an incorrect posture. The best way to maintain proper posture is by strengthening muscles in the back and abdominal region and this is only possible through regular physical exercise. There are simple muscle strengthening exercises that, when performed daily, can control or reverse the consequences of poor posture. One of the most used methods is Pilates. Pilates, created by the German Joseph Pilates, has as its ultimate objective the full development of physical capabilities, through exercises with body weight or low loads. With regular Pilates practice it is possible to improve muscle strengthening, stretching and flexibility and balance itself. This methodology also has the advantage of not putting the joints at risk as it works without overload and without reaching physical exhaustion. Examples of simple exercises to improve posture: Flexion and extension of the spine, in a position on all fours Rotation of the shoulders with the help of, for example, a broomstick Stretching the arms against the door jamb Contracting the belly, pushing the navel in direction of the spine and holding for 10 seconds. Tips for correcting posture: Always imagine that you are a puppet and that you constantly have an invisible string attached to your head that constantly pulls you upwards, keeping your neck erect and your chin parallel to the floor. When sitting, keep your back straight and fully against the chair. Do not cross your legs and place your feet firmly on the floor. Control the position of your shoulders so that they do not fall forward. Preferably sleep on your back. If you choose to sleep on your side, place a pillow between your legs. Do not wear shoes that are either very high (in the case of women) or flat. The ideal is a jump of between 2 and 4 cm. If your job requires you to sit for long hours, remember to take breaks to stretch your legs and walk around. If you have difficulty taking a few minutes to exercise, choose, for example, to walk a little when you answer a call on your mobile phone. Be careful with your position when driving, always adjust your head and backrest so that you are not too far/close to the steering wheel. Place a reminder in your workplace to remind you to maintain your posture. Be careful when lifting weights. You should squat down and put your weight on your knees. Place a reminder in your workplace to remind you to maintain your posture. Be careful when lifting weights. You should squat down and put your weight on your knees. If you already exercise regularly and the symptoms and poor posture persist, rethink your training and the muscle groups you are developing. The muscles of our body must be worked and developed in a global, balanced and complete way. Otherwise, the body will always be creating compensations in the stronger muscle groups to 'help' with the functions of the underdeveloped muscles. Contrary to popular belief, adopting a correct posture is not more difficult nor does it require more muscular effort. What really happens in our body is that, after getting used to an incorrect posture, if we try to reposition our body we will feel discomfort because the unused muscles are weakened and the muscles that were being forced are strengthened to create compensation. .
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