Hábitos: Desliga o Ecrã Antes de Dormir

Habits: Turn off the screen before going to sleep

Nowadays, it is almost impossible to imagine a day without smartphones, tablets or televisions. However, when it comes to improving the quality of sleep and, consequently, health and well-being, one of the most important habits is to turn off the screen before going to sleep .

The Impact of Blue Light on Sleep

Electronic devices, such as smartphones, computers and televisions, emit blue light, which can interfere with your natural sleep cycle. This light inhibits the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep, causing your body to be more alert when it should be preparing for rest.

Studies have shown that prolonged exposure to blue light at night can delay sleep and reduce its quality. This can lead to feelings of tiredness throughout the day, difficulty concentrating, and even negatively impact physical and mental performance.

Benefits of Turning Off Your Screen Before Bed

Turning off your devices at least 30 minutes before going to bed can bring a number of benefits:

  1. Better Sleep Quality: By allowing your body to produce melatonin naturally, you can fall asleep more easily and have a deeper, more restorative sleep.

  2. Muscle Recovery: Quality sleep is essential for muscle regeneration and hormonal balance, especially after intense workouts. Getting a good night’s sleep helps you maximize the benefits of your daily workouts.

  3. Stress Reduction: Turning off your screen and avoiding social media or work before bed helps reduce mental stress, providing a more peaceful night and deeper rest.

  4. Improved Mood: A good night’s sleep has a direct impact on your mood and disposition the next day. When you sleep well, you wake up with more energy, ready to face the day and your workout.

How to Create This Habit

Incorporating this habit into your routine can be a challenge at first, but with a few simple strategies, you’ll be able to turn off your screen effortlessly:

  • Set an Alarm: Set an alarm 30 minutes to 1 hour before bed to remind yourself to turn off all devices.

  • Replace Activity: During screen-free time, opt for relaxing activities like reading a book, meditating, or doing some gentle stretches. These practices help prepare your mind and body for sleep.

  • Create a Nighttime Routine: A set bedtime, accompanied by a relaxing, device-free routine, will help your body associate that time with sleep.


Turning off your screen before bed is a small adjustment to your routine that can bring huge benefits to your health and performance. This simple habit not only improves the quality of your sleep, but also promotes muscle recovery and helps maintain emotional balance. Try making this change and see how your body and mind thank you with more energy and willingness for your workouts and daily activities.

Remember: rest is just as important as training!

16 Daily Fitness Habits to Improve Your Health

1. Start the Day with Stretching

2. Hydrate immediately upon waking

3. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day

4. Includes Protein at Breakfast

5. Walk Whenever Possible

6. Daily Strength Training

7. Use the stairs

8. Includes Healthy Snacks

9. Monitor Your Progress

10. Move Every Hour

11. Train with Variety

12. Maintain Correct Posture

13. Sleep at least 7 hours a day

14. Avoid Excess Sugar

15. Turn Off the Screen Before Sleeping

16. Practice Deep Breathing

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