48 exercícios para fazeres em casa sem complicações

48 exercises you can do at home without complications

This 48-exercise workout is perfect for you to do at home. No more excuses, create a workout routine, mark it in your diary and, best of all, start today.


48 ladder exercises. Each ladder exercise is performed 1 x 50 seconds with 10 seconds rest.


1. Squat
2. PU / PU knees
3. Abs spring
4. H Burpee
5. Thruster
6. MC
7. Abs v up
8. CC
9. Triceps
10. Horizontal Jacks
11. Lumbar
12. Sprawl
13. Alternating lunge behind with weight
14. Shoulder press
15. Rowing r
16. Rowing l
17. Bear crawl
18. Star abs
19. Wall iso squat
20. Iso forearm plank
21. V sit
22. Biceps + lunge
23. Squat + bikes
24. Superman

25. Squat lunge
26. Squat out with weight
27. Shoulder tap plank
28. Oblique abs
29.Gto r ​​+ l
30. Circles
31.bear crawl + plank
32. Twist
33. Squat hold + weight
34. Plank + inverted v + cc
35. V bike
36. Plank + step + rotation
37. Thruster r
38. Thruster l
39. Abs sup
40. Gemini
41. Plank forearms bend leg
42. Bow
43. Pullover
44. Open plank
45. Bear crawl + plank
46. ​​Abs v + abduction
47. Plank + step + rotation
48. Burpee

Do you want to do this type of training? Check out the solutions below

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