Treino F24082 Circuito 6 exercícios 1 minuto

Workout F24082 Circuit 6 exercises 1 minute

Total duration: 34-50 minutes


- Do the exercises intensely, but safely

- If there is any exercise that causes discomfort or doubts, go to the next one

Warm-up – 5 minutes

Joint mobilization – Perform some rotations of the lower and upper limbs and trunk for the indicated time to activate the body for the main task.

Main task – 24-40 minutes

Protocol : Functional circuit training, performing 1 minute of each exercise with a 20-second rest between each exercise. Do 3-5 rounds of the circuit according to your physical condition.

Return to calm – 5 minutes


Explanation of exercises


Exercise 1 – Plank with shoulder touch

Start in the plank position, alternately touching the opposite shoulder with your hand, trying to maintain a stable plank position without moving your pelvis.

Exercise 2 – Lower abdominals

Start the movement by lying on your back with your legs up, flexed at 90 degrees, and perform the movement of alternately lowering your legs, keeping your lower back supported on the floor.

Exercise 3 – Triceps with weight

Start the movement by standing with your torso bent over, holding the weight (dumbbells, rice packets, milk packets or water bottles) keeping your elbows raised, extend your forearms.


Exercise 4 – Flights

Start the movement by standing with your torso tilted, holding the weight (dumbbells, rice packets, milk packets or water bottles) with your arms stretched out perpendicular to your torso, and perform the movement by opening your arms, simulating flight, until your arms reach shoulder height.


Exercise 5 – Crossed mountain climbers

Start the movement in a plank position, alternately bringing the knee closer to the opposite elbow, maintaining the initial position of the trunk and upper limbs.

Exercise 6 – Upper abdominals

Start the movement by lying on your back with your legs stretched out overhead, perform the movement of flexing your torso in an upward direction with your arms stretched out overhead.

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