Tonificação muscular: Ingestão de Proteína para Mulheres

Muscle Toning: Protein Intake for Women

For women who train intensely and want to gain muscle mass, adequate protein intake is essential. The general recommendation is approximately 1.6 to 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day.

To learn about adequate protein intake for men, read the article Muscle Toning: Protein Intake for Men

Protein Recommendation

  • Amount : 1.6 to 2.2 g of protein per kg of body weight per day

Calculation Example

Let's consider a 60 kg woman as an example:

  • Body Weight : 60 kg

  • Protein Recommendation : 1.6 to 2.2 g of protein per kg of body weight

  • Minimum : 60 kg x 1.6 g/kg = 96 g protein per day

  • Maximum : 60 kg x 2.2 g/kg = 132 g protein per day

Recommended Intake

To maximize muscle mass gain, daily protein intake should be between:

96 g to 132 g of protein per day

Protein Distribution

Spreading your protein intake throughout the day can help with protein synthesis and muscle recovery. Here’s an example of how to spread protein across multiple meals:

  1. Breakfast : 20-25 g protein
  2. Morning Snack : 10-15 g protein
  3. Lunch : 20-25 g protein
  4. Afternoon Snack : 10-15 g protein
  5. Dinner : 20-25 g protein
  6. Evening or Post-Workout Snack : 15-20g protein

Protein Sources

To reach this amount, women can include different sources of protein in their diet, such as:

  • Lean Meats : Chicken, turkey, lean beef
  • Fish and Seafood : Salmon, tuna, shrimp
  • Eggs : Whole eggs and whites
  • Dairy : Milk, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese
  • Legumes : Beans, lentils, chickpeas
  • Nuts and Seeds : Almonds, chia, flaxseed
  • Protein Supplements : Whey protein, casein, vegetable protein

Additional Considerations

  1. Regular Training : Combine adequate protein intake with a regular resistance training program, such as weight training or CrossFit.
  2. Adequate Hydration : Drink plenty of water to aid digestion and nutrient absorption.
  3. Professional Consultation : For a personalized eating plan, consult a nutritionist or dietitian.


Women who want to gain muscle mass should consume between 1.6 and 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. Spreading your protein intake throughout the day and incorporating a variety of protein sources into your diet can help optimize results. Following a proper exercise regimen and maintaining a balanced diet are essential to achieving your muscle-building goals.

For more personalized guidance and additional information, consider consulting a health professional or nutritionist. Happy training!

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